Saturday, April 12, 2008

Liver Disease and your Teeth

This is Bob and His Sister Julie on his B-Day

Well as some of you know, Since Bobs diagnosis he has been on ALOT of different medicines, and with Liver disease one of the side effects is Ascities (fluid buildup) in the abdomen and in the legs. To control this they prescribe a diuretic. sometimes the doses can get quite high so again a side effect of that also dries up the saliva glands, and a result of that is all the good and bad bacteria in your mouth is affected. Which promotes tooth decay. In the last year Bob has lost all his teeth but one on the bottom and 4 on the top…He has now been on a soft diet for over a year (duh) NOW for the good news. We as a family have been struggling on what to do or how to come up with the 8K it is going to cost to have the roots and remaining teeth extracted, and the cost of his plates as we have now dental insurance. So… as always God has worked out the details , he allowed the health insurance to pay for the hospital stay (2 days in the hospital because of his compromised health and bleeding problems.) and the extractions !!!! SOMEONE paid the $3,500 bill for the plates. I do not know who it is but whoever you are…….. I am eternally grateful and I am at a loss for words. We could not have done this without your help. It is a day to day struggle here, some days worse than others and then some days so filled with love and appreciation I could burst!!! This has been such a long emotional journey I can not explain the range of emotions and appreciation I have for my family and friends... all of you have know idea how important you are to us!. I just wanted to say Thank you to each and every one of you for your words or your thoughts and prayers. I send our love to you all! Bobs oral surgery is scheduled for the 22nd of April.

Laura and Bob


Niki said...

Happy birthday, Bob! Great picture, too... Good luck on April 22. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Love, Niki

bparks56 said...

I need help! I have Hep.C and had cirrhosis of the liver. I am a Vietnam Veteran and had my liver care and transplant at VA medical facilities. For that I am greatful. I received a transplant on Sept. 23 2009. My teeth had bad decay and they pulled 11 of my teeth before the transplant. Over the course of the last year, my front teeth have decayed badly and one of them broke at the gum line while at the hospital for the transplant. I have tried to get the VA to take care of my dental work, but have been shot down. They tell me that my diseased liver and/or medications had nothing to do with my dental decay. I NEED documented proof, so I can fight them and get my smile back. PLEASE, if anyone can guide me, I would be very greatful! I can be reached by email at Thank you! Billy